Hooks & Runs
Hooks & Runs is a podcast about baseball, music and culture. Our podcast includes interviews with news makers in the sports and music world plus commentary from the co-hosts on interesting current and historical events. Hooks & Runs releases a new episodes every Thursday (more or less).
Hooks & Runs
148 - Baseball Is the Story of America w/ Derick McDuff
Film critic and writer Derick McDuff (Underrated podcast) joins us this week to discuss baseball in film. We talked about whether baseball and time travel would mix, subject ideas for baseball films we'd like to see and why baseball is such fertile ground for filmmakers. We also each revealed our Top 5 baseball-related films.
Check out Underrated podcast on Apple (https://tinyurl.com/ep148B)
Errata: The Harry F. character created by Eliot Asinof in "Eight Men Out" does make an appearance in John Sayles' film adaptation. Barry Levinson directed "The Natural," a film based upon the book by Bernard Malamud. Craig botched the title to the film "Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings," starring Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones and Richard Pryor.
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Music: "Warrior of Light" by ikolics (Premium Beat)
This podcast and this episode are copyright Craig Estlinbaum, 2023, all rights reserved.