Hooks & Runs
Hooks & Runs is a podcast about baseball, music and culture. Our podcast includes interviews with news makers in the sports and music world plus commentary from the co-hosts on interesting current and historical events. Hooks & Runs releases a new episodes every Thursday (more or less).
Hooks & Runs
Ep 84 - NFL Owners Duking It Out at Midfield and Other Overtime Ideas
This weekend's Kansas City win over Buffalo has people in a fevered frenzy discussing the NFL's archaic overtime rules. In this episode, Andrew, Craig offer their solutions. Also, MLB may not be able to solve their labor woes, but the damn sure can put a stop to Tampa's crazy Sister City scheme with baseball-starved Montreal. Finally a look at team name changes in the American League and other assorted defunct leagues through the decades.
Hooks & Runs Website, Twitter
Craig Estlinbaum on Twitter
Andrew Eckhoff on Google Plus (dead link)
Rex von Pohl (Krazy Karl's) on Facebook
Opening and closing music, "Caroline" by Craig Estlinbaum. All rights reserved.
This podcast and episode is copyrighted by Craig Estlinbaum, 2021, all rights reserved.