Hooks & Runs
Hooks & Runs is a podcast about baseball, music and culture. Our podcast includes interviews with news makers in the sports and music world plus commentary from the co-hosts on interesting current and historical events. Hooks & Runs releases a new episodes every Thursday (more or less).
Hooks & Runs
131 - Bowl Preview & Predictions w/ Amy Weinland Daughters
Award-winning author and college football guru Amy Daughters returns to Hooks & Runs for our annual bowl preview and predictions episode. Daughters writes for fbschedules.com, a must-bookmark website for information about college football. Her latest book, "Dear Dana: That Time I Went Crazy and Wrote all 580 of My Facebook Friends a Handwritten Letter," won a Bronze Medal in the World Peace category in the 2022 Living Now Book Awards.
You can support Hooks & Runs by purchasing Daughters' books through our store at Bookshop.org. Here's the link. https://bookshop.org/shop/hooksandruns
Errata: The bowl game Craig though he was remembering was the 2018 Cheez-It Bowl game between California and TCU - TCU won 10-7 in overtime in a game each team threw four interceptions. The game Craig was trying to think of was the 2008 Sun Bowl - an epic struggle Oregon State won 3-0 against Pittsburgh.
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Music: "Warrior of Light" by ikolics (Premium Beat)
This podcast and this episode are copyright Craig Estlinbaum, 2022, all rights reserved