Hooks & Runs
Hooks & Runs
186 - "I've Got Babe Ruth" The Old Ballparks Project, Part 3
This week Craig and Rex conclude the three-part series ranking the first generation concrete and steel ballparks build prior to the Great Depression. This episode includes the Polo Grounds and Yankee Stadium in New York City, Comiskey Park and Wrigley Field in Chicago and Fenway Park in Boston.
Episodes Mentioned
127 - The Old Ballparks Project, Part I
184 - Class Warfare in Detroit!: The Old Ballparks Project, Part 2
Philip J. Lowry, "Green Cathedrals: The Ultimate Celebration of Major League and Negro League Ballparks (Walker & Co. 2006).
Al Kamen, "High Court Throws Out Baseball Suit," Washington Post (Oct. 12, 1988) (accessed January 13, 2024).
Wikipedia for the ballparks and ball clubs mentioned and the sources cited therein.
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Music: "Warrior of Light" by ikolics (Premium Beat)
This podcast and this episode are copyright Craig Estlinbaum, 2024, all rights reserved.