Hooks & Runs

196 - If You're Going to Let Foreigner in You Might as Well Let Them All In

A podcast about baseball, music and culture. Season 5 Episode 196

On this Rex and Craig agree -- Foreigner is a boring band.  And it is an outrage that Foreigner is nominated for induction to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame while Iron Maiden and Soundgarden are not.  Then again, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has been a joke for a long time. Why stop now?

Rex and Craig review this year's nominees and cast our (imaginary) ballots. Oh, and that Peter Frampton, Jack Bruce video is here.

Also this episode, Caitlin Clark and the WNBA, Coachella woes, injured pitchers everywhere and the Astros woes.

Errata: There is, in fact, a Hip Hop Hall of Fame and it's located in New York City. 

Past Episodes Discussed:
152 - R.E.M.'s Murmur at 40 w/ Tony Fletcher

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Music: "Warrior of Light" by ikolics (Premium Beat)    
This podcast and this episode are copyright Craig Estlinbaum, 2024, all rights reserved.