Hooks & Runs
Hooks & Runs is a podcast about baseball, music and culture. Our podcast includes interviews with news makers in the sports and music world plus commentary from the co-hosts on interesting current and historical events. Hooks & Runs releases a new episodes every Thursday (more or less).
Hooks & Runs
Ep. 107 - Bert Shepard, Lou Brissie & Baseball During World War II
Following last week story from Professor Peter Dreier about Sam Nahem and the G. I. World Series in Europe, 1945, Craig and Rex dive deep into baseball during World War II. Today, the stories of Bert Shepard and Lou Brissie, two American heroes who suffered horrific injuries in battle but overcame to pitch in the Major Leagues. Also, Craig and Rex survey the players who served and were later inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame -- some of whom saw combat and earned commendations.
Check It Out
Rex - The Netflix series "Stranger Things," now in its 4th season and in particular, Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn) performing Metallica's "Masters of Puppets," on his custom B.C. Rich Warlock guitar.
Craig - The Linda Linda debut album "Growing Up," released April 8, 2022, on Epitaph Records. This is the song "Racist, Sexist Boy." The Pitchfork review Craig mentions is here; Vattica's Tik Tok page is here.
Last Week on Hooks & Runs - Ep 106, "Baseball Rebels w/ Professor Peter Dreier"
Errata: Jackie Robinson played baseball at UCLA. The "the" parade caught Craig napping -- it's just L7. At the time, it was THEN Senator Joe Biden.
Hooks & Runs - Website, Twitter, Buzzsprout
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Andrew Eckhoff on Makeoutclub (dead link)
Rex von Pohl (Krazy Karl's Music Emporium) on Facebook
Opening and closing music, "Caroline" by Craig Estlinbaum. All rights reserved.
This podcast and this episode are copyright Craig Estlinbaum, 2022, all rights reserved.